Author: svd197694


Joined In Apr 2024

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svd197694 1 Reviews
Would NOT Recommend

More like "custom" entitlement and general bigotry and homophobia at your service! The "father" drives a company truck (see photo) and incessantly feels the right and privilege to park the vehicle multiple times a day in the right of way of the alley of our neighborhood while he visits with his "son" for coffee, breakfast, lunch, whatnot. Notwithstanding the fact that emergency vehicles couldn't get through, if necessary, the neighbors of the alley (some of whom only have alley access to their driveways) are blocked from using that part of the alley. Last checked, an alley is not a personal parking spot, but a right of way for vehicle traffic and access. In the most recent episode, we needed to exit that part of the alley (because that is the way we headed out, because we were going that direction to the front of our house, because thru traffic is allowed, etc.). But again, the truck (with trailer in tow) was parked in the alley for the obligatory midday visit and lunch. After the father gestured for us to just back up and go the other way, we advised him we needed to go that way and that was the direction we were facing/headed, moreover, the alley is not a parking spot. As things escalated, he most unwillingly moved his truck at a high rate of speed past our car, still blocking the alley now the other direction and partially blocking the direction from which we were coming (forcing us to the neighbor's yard/alley edge to exit. His "co-worker" in the vehicle proceeded to provide obscenities as exiting the truck, and thereafter, launch a barrage of bigot derived homophobic laden slurs and names toward us (impressively sad). Aware of the profound prevalence of hate crimes and situational escalation violence, things came to an abrupt end with our departure. Hopefully this comment will provide awareness and insight into this business and the owners/employees, so that those seeking services, if with similar mindset may so choose to endeavor to support this business, those with alternative approach and perspective may wisely and genuinely consider going elsewhere.

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